A Full Stack Engineer
That Brings ItAll Together
Hello! I’m Keith
My Story
I'm a Software Developer. I build Single-Page-Apps (SPA), responsive full-stack websites and RESTful APIs. I am always learning new technologies and frameworks and am always working on some sort of project. Currently, I am creating a web app for organizing Pickleball games.
In a former life I was an accountant before I decided to turn my coding hobby into a full-time career. Now I am looking forward to continuing my learning journey and continuing to make bigger and better things.
Trivia Candy
A fun trivia game built with React using the Open Trivia Database API. It's seriously addictive. Play at your own risk!
Pick-Up Game
A web app for starting pick-up games and other group sports or social activities. It was built with the MERN stack, featuring full CRUD capabilities, user authentication and authorization.
Have questions, comments or need help with a project? Send me a message and let's chat!